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Donard School

A Bridge to Learning

  1. Classes
  2. Middle School
  3. M2


Class M2 December Update 

'I wish it could be Christmas every day!' has been the mantra of Class M2 in December! We have had LOTS of fun getting into the festive spirit and enjoying all the Christmas activities. We have completed some fantastic Christmas Maths, matching shapes to our Christmas trees and making shape wreaths. We also stamped our names on Christmas tree triangles in Literacy, and put them in order to match our name. In cookery we decorated 'abominable' snowmen with Christmas themed icing- they were delicious! In our sensory topics we made snow for the snowmen, used bells and drums to make Christmas music and in Attention Autism we made salt snowflakes and splatted paint cotton pads to make a Christmas wreath.

We have really enjoyed our Activity Based Learning this month, exploring Christmas trees, the Nativity and learning all about Santa. Speaking of Santa, we had a wonderful visit to Santa's Grotto and were lucky enough to meet him- and the friendly Donkey that accompanied him! We have also completed lots of decorative, sparkly art work to include our wonderful snow globes, Nativity window catchers and our puffy paint Christmas trees! To finish the term off, we had a Christmas sensory disco with all of our friends- it was truly magical! 

From the pupils and staff in M2- We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Class M2 November update


M2 have had a very busy November. We really enjoyed Nursery Rhyme Week and had a blast dressing up and making lots of lovely art work. We have started our topic 'materials', exploring different textures and qualities of materials such as dull/shiny, hard/soft, rough/smooth. We also really enjoyed our sensory story of The Three Little Pigs and acting out the story in our sensory tray. We have enjoyed lots of sensory exploration, art, music and dance this term. To finish November off we put up our Christmas Tree and decorated the classroom! We cannot wait for the Christmas festivities! 

Class M2 October update

Class M2 have had a lovely October, we have been very busy working on our communication, forming relationships with our peers and staff. We had great fun in our sensory music sessions, becoming mathematicians in numeracy week and preparing for Halloween. M2 got to explore the pumpkin patch and carve a spooky pumpkin, finishing off with our Halloween parade, we loved seeing all our friends dressed up. See you next month!